Reflection on Amal Totkay

Hasnat Khan
2 min readDec 28, 2020
Amal Totkay

Amal, an organization which helps people with career counseling and personal grooming, shared a few tips which can help develop growth mindset. These were the best tips because it can actually help a person grow and make him successful in future ventures. Among all, I liked the one which says Creating new Habits.

It’s so important to work on self-development and personality because what you showcase to the world is your behavior and your habits. In order to improve and make a great mindset, we need to get rid of bad habits and create new habits that are essential for our growth.

We always know our good habits but we never know what we do wrong because it’s associated with our nature and our personality. To know what we are doing bad, we must ask someone who notices us in our daily life. Once we have removed all bad habits, it’s time to create new habits.

I am working myself on getting rid of bad habits, and the one that I had was smoking. I know smoking doesn’t define a person’s character but it’s bad for health and mind. I am now determined to leave that habit and create habits which will help me not think of smoking so I have started playing outdoor games which is some sort of rehab process for me.

I have always been open to receive constructive criticism which can help me grow and improve my performance in any work. If I had not been like that in the first place, I would have created a perception for myself that human can always be wrong and there is no human on this earth who can always be right in his habits, in his decisions or anything. We can learn from everyone if that’s a guard, a professor, a cook, a waiter. We just need to control ourselves and open up for learning new things.

